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data protection

Type and purpose of the processed data As part of midwifery work, personal data of the patient and the (born/unborn) children are collected, processed and used by the midwife as the responsible body. In addition to information about the person and social status (name, address, payer, etc.), this includes in particular the medical findings necessary for the treatment. This data is only handled insofar as this is necessary for the provision, billing, documentation and archiving in accordance with the midwives' professional code or to ensure the quality of the midwife's assistance. The midwife meets the requirements for the processing of health data in accordance with Article 9 (3) GDPR. Passing on the data The data will only be passed on to third parties if the patient consents or if there is a legal basis for this, which is regularly the case in the following situations: • The midwife is also subject to confidentiality towards other persons involved in the treatment (e.g. doctors). However, the midwife will exchange the medically required data with these people if the patient consents to this or if an emergency situation justifies this, especially if the patient cannot be contacted and further help is urgent. • Billing with public-law payers, in particular the health insurance companies, is done directly with them, either by the midwife directly or, in accordance with Section 301a, Paragraph 2 of Book V of the Social Code, via an external billing office. • In the case of private patients or within the framework of optional services, the patient is billed directly, either directly by the midwife or with the patient's consent, which must be given separately, via an external billing office. • • If samples (e.g. blood) are taken, the midwife does not carry out the examination of the samples herself, but commissions a laboratory doctor or a medical laboratory to do this on behalf of the patient. Duration of storage Your data will initially be stored until the support has been completed and billed. After invoicing, legal retention requirements arise from tax law (Section 14b UStG). After that, the corresponding evidence must be kept for ten years. The retention period begins at the end of the calendar year. According to § 630f Abs. 3 BGB there is a storage obligation for the documentation of midwifery care for ten years. The same regularly results from the applicable midwifery professional regulations, unless longer periods are provided there. With regard to § 199 paragraph 2 BGB, the midwife is entitled to keep the documentation for up to 30 years. Right to information, correction, deletion or restriction of processing, and right to object to processing If the respective legal requirements are met, you have a right to information (Art. 15 GDPR), correction (Art. 16 GDPR), deletion (Art . 17 GDPR) or restriction of the processing of your data (Article 18, GDPR). In addition, you may have a right to object to this processing (Art. 21 GDPR). Right of appeal and supervisory authority Pursuant to Art. 77 GDPR, you have the option of lodging a complaint with the competent state data protection authority. In this case, this is the responsible supervisory authority: The Saxon data protection officer Devrientstraße 5, 01067 Dresden Phone: 03 51/85471 101, fax: 03 51/85471 109 E-mail: saechsdsb@slt., website: htp://

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